
espl season 2 FAQ

How to register for ESPL? What are the rules for registration?

Visit our registration page to register. Please visit our terms and conditions page here for more details. Players need to ensure that they are about 16 years of age and have a minimum of 4 players in their squad.

How will my team register?

The team leader (In-Game Leader) needs to register the entire team by adding details of all the squad members. The team leader will get a confirmation email after the registration. Our execution team will reach out to the team leader at the start of underdog qualifiers.

Do I need to join the India Today Gaming server on Discord? I don’t use Discord.

Everyone is required to join Discord as the qualifications and everything related to ESPL qualifiers will happen using Discord.

I can’t register for ESPL? What should I do?

Please inform us using the “Contact us” page or on Discord. Alternatively, you can also try after a few hours in case of any back-end problem.

I saw posts with foul/hostile language on Discord. How do I report the user?

Use the “Report” option under the profile of the user or ping our moderation team on the Discord server. In case it is taking too long to respond then use the “Contact us” section on our website to reach out through email or other social media platforms.

Can we make changes to the team after the team registration?

Yes, you can visit the registration link and change your past responses to make the changes. Do note that you are not allowed to compete as part of two different teams during the tournament.

What are the rules for the tournament? What are the rules for matches?

Please find all the rules regarding ESPL and the matches on the link here.